I can confirm having trouble getting into the reexamine.com site. As you mentioned, it seemed to move me back and forth. But this new URL you put up does work. Looks like the WTs from 1920-29 are a new addition to the site
for about a week now, when i click on the "shortcut to downloads page " on reexamine.org's front page, i am redirected to the main page again.
in other words, i click on the link....i wait....and the same page (the home page) is reloaded and displayed.
the url to which the link above points is
I can confirm having trouble getting into the reexamine.com site. As you mentioned, it seemed to move me back and forth. But this new URL you put up does work. Looks like the WTs from 1920-29 are a new addition to the site
i have been working on several charts to help explain things better and i need an early watchtower reference or book reference which shows the wt's teaching that a generation was 30 or 40 years.
any help is appreciated.
ps, if anyone knows how i might come about a copy of the watchtower book shelf cd-rom from reexamine.org i would be most appreciative.
I can't seem to get onto the reexamine.org site to download the WT CDs [the files were too big to download anyway] can anyone tell me where I can purchase them ?
last night i was reading a book and i came across an illustration that fits this circumstance well.
a young boy at sunday school learns the story of david and goliath.
at home that afternoon the boy comes to his mother and says "i'm as big as goliath".
Perfect illustration, Drew.
Sad part is that all centrally dominated religious systems, like the Mormons do the same thing. I remember a tract published by Herbert W Armstrong, where he showed his readers how to identify the "One True Church" 1You had to accept the sabbath 2 Had to celebrate the Jewish festivals, Passover, pentecost, Hannuchah, etc 3 no divorce permitted 4 the destiny of believers is to become God 5 had to accept that the English Speaking Peoples were the Israel of God etc etc 6 Had to accept that he, HWA was the Last True Prophet sent by God etc etc
Same principle, different yardstick
i'm new here and i had a question i was hoping you could help me with.
why does james 2:21 say that abraham was justified by works and yet romans 4:2 says that he was justified by faith?
also genesis 15:6 says he was justified by faith?
Hi, Help wanted, and welcome to the forum.
You have put your finger on a theological conundrum that has perplexed the Christian Faith since the birth of Protestantism. Even so herculean a figure as Martin Luther experienced this perplexity, terming the Letter of James "A letter of straw" implying perhaps that those reading too much into it were asses.
However, over the years, many have gradually begun to see that there IS a continuance of thought between the writings of Paul and James, rather than a tension. Or rather, if there is a tension, then it is one of continuity, rather than contradiction.
There is no doubt that the fundamental precept of the NT is that faith is what operates in the believer, both saving, and justifying. But to quote a modern vernacular: Define faith.
Thats where both Paul and James work in tandem. Lets see if we can divine what both say:
1 Paul: The SOURCE of Justification is the unique quality of God called Grace. [Tit 3 :7] This grace provides the faith by which justification comes [Ro 3:30] - Example: Abraham [4:2,3]
2 James: But what KIND of faith justifies? One that is empty? No, but one that is evidenced by works. Yet it is not the works, but the faith, [which comes through God's grace] that justifies.[Ja 2:17,18] Example:Abraham
This is what Paul is saying: Abraham was justified by faith
James is saying that Abraham was justified by [faith that was evidenced by] works
Paul is talking of the PRIORITY of faith in justification, while James is extending this to show the PROOF of this justification. If I were to confess that I have been justified by faith, how would YOU [not God] know that I have been justified? By my works. You [not God] cannot see my heart, but the barometer to enable you to conclude the veracity of my statement is my works. God knew that Abraham had faith. But how could WE [not God] know that Abraham had this justifying faith? By his works.
We can be thankful that both, the letters of Paul and the letter of James were written, because it is only through the steroscopic sight from both points of view that the faith that justifies can be understood
i've been lurking for a while so thought i'd introduce myself.
i'm in my late teens and left the jws just before i left home.
i used to know what absolute belief was, but never got baptised because i didn't feel any love for god.
Hi, and welcome, Stapler 99. Good post.
You are among friends here. Enjoy the company of a free people in free assembly.
as another jwd poster pointed out, blondie (debbie harry) is a redhead.
so i updated my avatar.. .
i think i'm looking pretty good considering i'm not longer a young chick but a 60-year-old broad.. http://www.deborahharry.com/.
Red hair? Yeah go on rub it in.
<sniffles> I don't have ANY hair, no matter what the colour
I suppose on the up side - at least I don't have bad hair days!
Love yer avatar by the way.
the issue contains the "life story" of a brother who has been in for sixty years, but it really sounds like someone from jwd who is subtly bashing the org.. according to him he only got dunked some 60 years ago because "my mother (repeatedly) emphasized one point to me; armageddon is coming soon"!
when he was baptized to age 13 he "only understood basic bible teachings and understood that he was responsible to jehovah for my conduct".
note he specifically omits mention of the wtbs as being representive of god and fails to mention "showing glory to the elders and others" as demanded in wt 9/1/97 but is seeming to mock the wt with the "soon" remark and also with the fact that he was baptized at 13, without his parent's permission and with little knowledge.. anyway, his mom is dead and here we are 60 years later.
Good Gawd!! I met at the door not long ago. About so high? Sort of longish, short sort of hair?
Yeah thought so, same gal, She does'nt half get around eh?
finding jehovahs witnesses faith.
i have a question for serious participants of this forum: .
what do you deem the most reliable means for determining the various convictions held by the population of jehovahs witnesses in terms of the range of what individuals within that group consider as core tenets of their faith?.
There is an interesting dichotomy when it comes to the expressing of doctrine on the part of the R&F JWs. On the one hand there is published, at odd times, a standard though imprecise statement of beliefs [as in the "Proclaimers" book pgs 144,145] which every member is expected to adhere to, on pain of expulsion.
However, being linguistically nimble, and doctrinally flaccid, many of the writings pouring out of WT presses, appear, at least to the majority of the R&F, to be designed, not to enlighten, or elaborate these issues but to blur them. This appears to be a deliberate policy on the part of the leadership. Many of the articles published in the material emanating from WT HQ are written in a stylized jargon of recurring mantras that many of the the R&F, even the alert ones, are often unaware when a policy shift occurs. Hence there is often a genuine inability on their part to articulate, even standard WT doctrine.
For instance, despite the fact that the WTS has shifted its position on the "1914 generation" having published its reasons for doing so as far back as 1995, 11years ago, I am still convinced that the vast majority of the R&F are unable to fully comprehend what this shift is, and more importantly, what it means, doctrinally to them. I don't blame them. Reading that article in the Nov 15 1995 WT, one finds it to be a classic example of double-speak, a concept raised to a fine art by the writers of the WT. It takes a fine writing skill, honed over many years of obfuscation, to write one thing while simultaneously encouraging an opposite idea in the mind of the reader.
In fact many of the rank and file will find their doctrines more clearly, albeit, critically, articulated here in this Forum than in their own publications. It is when the average JW has to depend on his literature alone, that this lack of clarity occurs, and a consequent disparity in current doctrine may appear.
on may 8, 1955, i was baptized.
i was 9 years old and it was a special baptism on a sunday.
for some reason, we didn't have a circuit assembly in the spring that year, so they just held a baptism.. what were my parents thinking?
Well - Hotdamn!! Victor made it into the YB. Can't remember the date though, 77?
Bloody nice bloke, actually.
Wonder what ever happened to the old coot. He'd be in his 80s by now.
in 2 corinthians 5:20 the nwt says, "we are therefore ambassadors substituting for christ, as though god were making entreaty through us.
as substitutes for christ we beg: "become reconciled to god.".
i could not locate any other bible translations that have the word "substituting" in the text.
Freddy Flintstone Franz obviously took the preposition "Huper" beyond its accepable range of meaning. At 2 Cor 5:20, the grammitical construction "Huper Christou" is called a genitive, and in the genitive, the preposition "Huper" can mean "In behalf of", [in behalf of Christ] but no dictionary I have used ever describes the word "Huper" as meaning "in PLACE of" or "substitute"
But don't worry. Ask the JWs and I am sure they can pull a scholar out of a hat who will agree with their reading. Remember the odious Johannes Greber? Know what he says? :"We appear in CHRIST'S STEAD as his envoys" [emphasis mine]
Need we say more?